From the minds of our experts
We’re a team of curious, knowledge-hungry humans who are creating and leading the future of digital evolution. Our experts share insights and resources on eliminating failure and unlocking sustained digital evolution for federal and enterprise organizations.
Leveraging the Technology that Drives People-Centric HR Transformation
The Federal HR Leader’s Guide to Modernization and Efficiency
Time is up: Consultants, start measuring your success based on outcomes
The oncoming innovation tsunami may force you to anyway
At Intact, a college degree is not synonymous with potential
Why our approach to assessing qualifications yields better results
Reducing Account Provisioning Timeline for DoD Employees
The New System Authorization Access Workflow, built on ServiceNow, streamlines the process for active duty members, defense civilians, and contractors.
Why So Many Government IT Projects Really Fail
Typically, it’s not the technology — but how it’s procured.
The High Cost of Playing it Safe
An embrace of calculated risk-taking is required for innovation.
Hours Over Outcomes: Mythbusters
Let’s set the record straight about outcome-based agreements.
Shredding the Paper Ceiling
Talent is everywhere — especially among groups previously left out.